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Old 01-12-2021, 07:31 PM   #1
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Default Cigars in Cinema Submissions thread

Please submit films and documentaries featuring cigars here.

Check the Master List to see if the movie you are going to submit is already on the list.

Thank you for making it the world's most comprehensive list....even if Guinness won't acknowledge it.

Originally Posted by Guinness Book of World Records


Thank you for sending us the details of your proposed record attempt for 'Most Detailed List of Cigars in Movies'.

Unfortunately, after thoroughly reviewing your application with members of our research team, we are afraid to say that we cannot accept your proposal as a Guinness World Records title.

While we certainly do not underestimate your proposal, we think that it is a little too specialised for a body of reference as general as Guinness World Records.

For information on what makes a record, we would advise before submitting an application to visit This page will provide you with helpful information if you are thinking about breaking or setting a record.

Once again thank you for contacting Guinness World Records.

Kind regards,
Records Management Team

Thanks Dave, Julian, James, Kelly, Peter, Gerry, Dave, Mo, Frank, Týr and Mr. Mark!
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