Thread: Kitchen Remodel
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Old 12-12-2020, 11:43 AM   #17
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Default Re: Kitchen Remodel

Speaking of the “We’ll just be careful,” line. She is all excited about getting this project completed, i guess we can now see light at the end of the tunnel. She’s looking at cookware and dishes. I’ve reminded her on several occasions that we do have new dishware we just don’t have anything matching because she’s broken everything. And now she wants an apron/farmhouse style sink. I told her that it’s a deeper basin and she will break more dishes and mugs. I even bought a set of some french fru fru glasses that are supposed to be heat resistant, she likes pouring boiling water into glasses, guess how many I have left? Somehow she’s even broken a real PYREX, not Pyrex measuring glass. We have a semi new kitchen table, no glass, reminded her not to put hot things on the top, guess how many rings we have on thing?

C’est la vi

I love that woman
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