Thread: Kitchen Remodel
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Old 12-05-2020, 06:02 PM   #5
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Default Re: Kitchen Remodel

Jason, how are you liking the GE profile? We are going with the café line, which I think is only a dolled up version of the the profile according to research. Wife likes it so it shall be done. This is the way

So I thought the hard part was picking the appliances boy was I wrong. Almost everywhere we went it was the same old “pre-fab custom” of you can have this but can’t have that type of experience. If we wanted something else we were looking at full custom prices basically out of our price range. So after all that with 4 designers and a bunch of quotes I think we found a local cabinet maker that will provide everything we want from cabinet design, layout, quality and color

Listening to a Chinese dude poopoo on import, basically Chinese, quality cabinets was quite funny. Some of the “higher end” stuff that we looked at, also imported, he blasted. The layouts that were proposed to us and quoted for close to $20k he assumed we were going to pay about $8k. He gave me a are you f’in crazy look. He asked if that was before any discounts and when I said no discounts he gave me that pissed of old Chinese “bah” if you’ve seen it you know what I mean

Now just waiting for the contract from the contractor and a few design changes from the cabinet guy and I hope we are all set.

Now to make sure the sink and appliances will work with our layout.

What trips me out is that almost all the manufactures are just one brand of master cabinet with varying levels of quality.
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