Thread: Lancero love
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Old 11-16-2020, 09:01 PM   #76
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Default Re: Lancero love

Tony Alvarez Habano lancero (7.5" x 38).

I've ordered a few of Tony's bundles from Cuban Crafters over the years and have never been disappointed. In my Neverending Quest For The Perfect Lancero, I decided to snag a bundle of ol' Tony's lanceros from CC.

Nice roll; smoothly wrapped with no lumps. The wrapper has a really nice floral smell. Decent draw; a little tight but these haven't been in the humi for long. I took a few out of the cello and put them in my low humidity box a week or so ago.

Starts off really nice. Pretty straightforward tobacco flavors and aromas. About 1" in, a nice toasted bread flavor comes in. It's a unique flavor that I don't think I've ever experienced before. Almost like a fresh baked biscuit or something. I was hoping that the floral smell of the wrapper would come through in the flavor, but no such luck.

Around halfway, the bread-like flavor is gone, being replaced with a distinct anise flavor. Anise is one of those flavors that I can't stand by itself (yuck @ black licorice) but I like it as an accent flavor. Good burn so far. Only a few small touch ups. Nice aroma coming from the foot.

This one started turning a bit sour at about 3". Did a flame purge and it didn't help much, so I snuffed it.

These smokes definitely have some potential. Gonna let the rest of the bundle nap for a while and revisit later.
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