Thread: Lancero love
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Old 11-10-2020, 09:18 PM   #74
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Default Re: Lancero love

Revisiting the Alec Bradley Coyol Petit Lancero, which is more of a lonsdale size. I got this one in a lancero trade I did a while back. Smoking this with a nice Mourvedre wine from northern CA.

Really good construction. This cigar was expertly crafted. No lumps, perfectly smooth, perfect draw.

Starts off nice. Medium 'strength', fairly typical Nicaraguan flavors and aromas.

Around 1/3 through, a nice woodsy flavor comes in.

Around halfway...nice flavors and aromas. A very slow burning cigar; I lit 'er up at around 45 min ago and I'm barely halfway through. Decent burn; a few small touchups with the torch here and there.

Last 1/3...woodsy flavor is still dominant, with the typical Nicaraguan flavors in the background. Let 'er die around 1.5".

Honestly, this one was better than my first one. Maybe it's because I was drankin' while I was smoking it. I dunno, but it was a pretty good smoke.
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