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Old 11-02-2020, 08:53 PM   #33
Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla
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Default Re: Cigars you enjoyed once upon a time

Man, this is a long list.


La Vieja Habana Early Years
Flor de Oliva Grand Cameroon
(became the Serie G)
Dominico by Torano (original version; the revived CI version sucks balls)
Padilla Hybrid (back when Padilla made good cigars)
El Mejor Emerald (Plascencia made CI cigar that was awesome)
Torano Tribute
Cuban Leaf by Tabacalera Tropical (Casa Fernandez). I swear to God that these tasted Cuban.
Cacique Miami by Tabacalera Tropical. Again, these cigars tasted Cuban. Either they cracked the code or they smuggled Cuban tobacco into Nicaragua to make them.
Famous Value Line Honduran 500 - These were another Plascencia made bundle cigar for Famous Smoke Shop. I think they were a project or new line that got sh*t canned and sold to Famous, because they were probably the best bundle cigar I've ever smoked.


Punch Royal Coronations
Bolivar PCs cab version (dress box version are not the same; fight me).
Fonseca No. 1 (inconsistent, but when they were good, they were probably the best mild cigar I've ever smoked).
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
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