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Old 10-28-2020, 01:01 PM   #19
Ain't Never Gonna Leave
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Default Re: Any pipers still active here?

Originally Posted by hotreds View Post
Have so much tobacco, and about 100 pipes(many inherited from my father including many French leather ones) but really haven't lit up in years. I wonder if the baccy is any good. I'll make it a point to put the cigar down and light the pipe soon! I think the reason so many of us moved away from the pipe is that you need 30 minutes to clean up after you finish smoking whereas you just leave a seagar to burn out in the ashtray!
30 minutes to clean up? Huh???
Pipe cleaner down the stem, (if you have not done it while smoking the bowl) take the other end of your tamper and rub out the residual dottle in the bowl, call it good. Then, once every 5-10 smokes, a better cleaning.

If the mason jars are sealed, you might be seriously in for some great smokes.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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