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Old 08-30-2020, 10:24 AM   #13
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Default Re: Modernist Cuisine

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 View Post
Talked to a friend who has MC. He’s going to double check, but doesn’t remember them listing any specifics about the aluminum plate they used. He’s going to double check.

He did reach out to a friend of his who has Modernist Bread. In there, they use 3/8”, A26 cold rolled steel.
Thanks Bob. That's about what I ended up doing. I'm not sure cold rolled would have made a difference for this application, so I went with 3/8" A36. $54 at the local metal supplier for a 22"x24" plate. I cut, ground and polished the corners and edges then tossed it in muriatic acid to get rid of the mill scale. Washed it off with caustic and soap, oiled it and handed the 57lb monstrosity to our head cook.

Phenomenal difference it makes over the stone they tested with. Cooking the bottoms almost too fast now. Going to mess around with oven position today hopefully but might end up just having to add a rack above it with stones or another plate to radiate some more heat downward to speed up the tops.

Might have to build myself an insert for my webber gasser when this is all done...
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