Thread: Mlb 2020
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Old 08-13-2020, 08:05 AM   #20
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Default Re: Mlb 2020

I'm having a hard time getting into the season.
Watched probably 40% of the Yankee games so far, and only a handful from around the league.
That's a huge reduction for me.
The baseball has been good. Actually better then I was expecting. No rust, and the players are committed. It doesn't look to me like they're just showing up for the paycheck.
That said, hearing so and so could win the batting tittle, or hit .400 this year just doesn't sit well with me, and makes me want to change the channel.
For pure entertainment value, I can watch, but the part of me that loves baseball is left unfulfilled.

Oh, and I loathe the fake crowd noise that's added to the broadcast. It just takes me out of the game...
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