Thread: Lancero love
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Old 05-02-2020, 12:53 PM   #59
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Default Re: Lancero love

Illusione Holy Lance Candela (7.5 X 40)

It's been...I'd say close to 10 years since I smoked a candela wrap cigar. Got this one in a lancero trade I did on C-Bid.

This is honestly one hell of a cigar. I was expecting a strong grassy flavor. It is present, but the complexity of the blend keeps the grassiness in the background. First half of the cigar is pretty complex, with some mild spice and a surprising flavor of unsweetened cocoa that comes and goes. Second half, I'm getting a distinct floral flavor through the nose and on the finish. The aroma coming from the foot is really nice. Mild side of medium "strength".

This cigar surprised me. I can honestly see a box purchase happening.
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