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Old 02-06-2009, 01:09 PM   #2
Gone Dave
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Exclamation Re: Any appliance techs out there?

Originally Posted by Nelson View Post
My fridge's drain line keeps on getting clogged and i have the water dripping into the inside of the fridge and collecting at the bottom. It does cool fine in both freezer compartment and fridge.What the hell can be causing the problem?
Its a defrost issue, it usually means the timer is stuck and short cycles,so the drain tube is still frozen down inside,
in some fridges there is a tab or a screw head type slot that you can cycle inside the fridge with a flat screw driver (on the top or side inside the lower food box.)
Look for that, and cycle around until your fridge starts running then stops.(it will click like a dishwasher knob does when you turn it)
Thats defrost.
let it alone now, clean up any water inside and check tomorrow.
If you still have problems, PM me and I will help you along farther.
but this will fix it 75%-85% of the time
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