Originally Posted by AdamJoshua
Happy Birthday to Tom's GF! Hope you have a great day Tom's GF! 
I am his Old Lady!!
Originally Posted by massphatness
Many Happy Returns, Kristin!
Blowing out that big fat candle is not advised as you can potentially transmit pathogens through your spittle. Instead, I've seen video where a quick swipe of the hand across the top of the candle basically beats it into submission. Key is to strike fast and hard. I mean really bludgeon the thing. Not a playful slap -- more of a quick, angry, violent motion. That should do the trick.
Vinny, I love you!! You are awesome.
Originally Posted by Havanaaddict
Are we still talking about a candle
Happy Birthday Kristin! Now go into Toms humidor and find the best cigar he has and enjoy 
I think I may have to do that. I should open one of his special boxes.
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes.