03-26-2020, 07:18 PM
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: The Mitten
Posts: 1,442
Re: Book Launch
Originally Posted by RevSmoke
I am a huge Civil War enthusiast, reading the 4 volumes entitled "The Civil War". I am in the first volume, subtitled, "The First Year". it is letters, articles, etc... and is excellent. I read one or two articles/letters per day.
I will put aside some $$ in the future to purchase your volume as it is very intriguing.
I have visited quite a number of battlefields, read numerous accounts, and different histories. When one truly understands what the average soldier went through it is truly amazing.
I know it is historical fiction, but Newt Ginrich's 3 volumes, beginning with "Gettysburg," give a good graphic depiction of what the carnage of battle was truly like.
Thank you for your interest in my work. I completely agree with your assessment regarding the average soldier. It is quite fascinating what they went through on a daily basis. I never got into fiction but I have heard others say that his books were pretty good.
Author of  eath, Disease, and Life at War: The Civil War Letters of Surgeon James D. Benton, 111th and 98th New York Infantry Regiments, 1862-1865.