Thread: Sous vide
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Old 03-18-2020, 10:32 AM   #794
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Default Re: Sous vide

Originally Posted by T.G View Post
Sorry, been a bit swamped at work being the only engineer at a food facility and this whole covid-19 mess.

Desalinated for about 14 hours IIRC. I did a few water changes along the way.

Ran about 7-8 hours SV.

The bagged half came out with the right flavor and was not exactly the texture I was looking for, but once it chilled overnight the texture improved to close enough. I think I'll lengthen the cook time when I do this again. A larger cut would need more desalination time - this one just barely makes the cut for salt levels in my tastes.

The unbagged half came out super tender, and the texture I was pretty much looking for, but super bland. It basically just tastes like a mild roast. Probably would not do it this way again. Or, if I did, I'd skip the desalination.

And, with about a pound left to eat, I am officially sick of corned beef now for the next few months. ugh..
Nice, your job here is done ...for now....GET BACK TO WORK!!
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