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Old 03-07-2019, 05:16 PM   #57
Tio Gato
Uncle Kitty
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Default Re: Another tragedy strikes CA

Originally Posted by Don Fernando View Post
I woke up to a message of Kellie. First I thought "oh, good to hear from Kellie again" but then I read the news. Shocked, sad, heartbroken. I loved that grumpy guy like a brother and we chatted on instagram just a few days ago about the El Cobre cigars.

So sad, numb and in denial that I will never see my brother again.
Ferdie, you'll always see him when you light a maduro.
"You stink like cigars Uncle Kitty!" Said my Boo age 3.
"Kid, take care of your family and the hell with anyone else" My Grandpa Bubba.
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