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Old 01-27-2019, 02:53 PM   #24
Da Klugs
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Default Re: Seasoning the NewAir CC-100H CC-300 with Boveda

Good luck with your new humi! Seasoning humidors has always elicited interesting responses. I'm in the wipe club (Fast) but the seasoning packets should work with enough time. Temperature control by definition creates an ongoing issue of humidity stabilization. (On and off changes your stable environment for brief periods of time) Beyond the seasoning beads you probably should use regular 70/65/60% RH beads to keep the unit stable. (Pretty sure these come with some sort of crappy humidification dish which you should pitch).

The environment you keep it in is probably the biggest determinate of what you need.

A small active device (like a cigar oasis) plus a couple pounds of beads covers the issues like a big drop when you open or AC runs (Cigar oasis) or too high humidity from the environment or design. (beads).

Oh and the answer to your question - dunno they are used primarily in small desktop humis. Something larger like this, depends on how dried out the unit was. If the unit doesn't get to and stabilize at your desired RH and you get tired of buying the bovedas you can always give it a helping wipe or two of distilled.
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