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Old 12-28-2018, 04:18 AM   #18
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: Brands that you stay away from.

Originally Posted by The camaro show View Post
Man you guys really make me think twice about what’s a good brand and a bad brand, I’ve had 2 Olivia’s and loved both and have had probably 10 caos and I’d say 8.5 of 10 were good one had a pretty crazy burn and the other was just terrible.
Smoke what you like and like what you smoke and don't let someone else's opinion turn you off of a cigar you enjoy.

Oliva V is one of my favorite smokes and I always have some on hand. The O and G line are pretty good as well. I really enjoy the Brasilia and Flathead lines from CAO but haven't had many others I've enjoyed.
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