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Old 11-25-2018, 10:47 AM   #5
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Default Re: I still love cigars

Originally Posted by massphatness View Post
My opinion: Facebook happened. Lots of Facebook cigar groups that have taken the place of online boards. I'm not really a Facebook guy, so I come here and a couple other boards to get my online cigar interaction.
I tend to agree with Vin. Some ways I think it's because Farcebook seems to be an easier way to attract members since so many people have their face buried in their phones all the time, and also, in some cases, there were some minor exoduses because starting a farcebook group with a specific batch of friends where one could control the membership and not have to deal with disruptive elements; the exodus of the entire MMM crew along with a few others from CBid because they got sick of a certain poster and a few of his sycophantic buddies comes to mind.

The whole Pvff buying out everyone thing left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths, then when Pvff imploded a few years ago and all the double-secret back room posts were made public, I think that burned a lot of people.

Farcebook became the easy out.

I have no presence on farcebook, nor do I ever plan to, so you poor bastards are stuck with me.
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