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Old 10-24-2018, 08:18 PM   #1
Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla
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Default Guardian of the Farm Campeon

This cigar scored really highly on CA, and when I read that it is a collaboration between Casa Fernandez and Warped Cigars, I had to try one.

The cigar is a belicoso shape with a shaggy foot, but the head is merely tapered and not sharp. Nice looking wrapper, nice weight, perfect draw. The wrapper has a distinct floral aroma.

First few draws...very leathery with a bit of spice in the nostrils. A teeny bit of grass on the finish.

About 1" in...the leathery flavor has been replaced by what I call "Nicaraguan spice". It's a distinct flavor; sort of like a baking spice of some sort. Medium "strength". A good cigar so far, but not amazing.

About 2" in...pretty similar flavors and aromas, but a distinct sweetness has come in on the finish. Slight burn correction.

About changes in the dominant flavors, but the sweetness is now present from the draw through the finish.

A little past halfway...a faint cinnamon flavor has crept in to join the spice. The sweetness has intensified a bit. A bit of anise on the finish.

Toward the end...the anise on the finish has turned a little bitter. I'm gonna let this cigar die at around 2.5".

Final thoughts...although this cigar had some interesting changes in the flavors, they were all...muted? The depth of flavor that I have come to expect from Nicaraguan cigars was lacking. CA gave these a 93 rating. Using their grading system, I would probably not even give it a 90. I will let the rest of the 5 pack sleep for a while and revisit them later.
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
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