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Old 10-01-2018, 12:07 PM   #422
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Default Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping

After we bottle the honey, there's always a little bit left in the bucket. Washing it down the drain seems like we're asking for problems, but thanks to some research on Google, we found the answer is, as usual: bees.

I put the bucket a few feet from the hive, and within an afternoon, the ladies had slurped up all the good stuff leaving the bucket squeaky clean.

It was suggested that i put some grass in the bucket to give the bees something to hold on to as they can drown in their own honey.

What they took from the bucket is stored in the hive for future use as food during the upcoming cold weather months.

I wasn't prescient enough to take a photo of the honey remnants in the bucket before putting it out next to the hive, but there was a pretty decent amount. I remember thinking, "no way this works" and as usual, I was wrong. Will try to remember to take more pics next time.
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