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Old 09-19-2018, 05:22 PM   #3
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Default Re: It's iPhone upgrade time, woohoo

Originally Posted by SurfnSafari View Post
Honestly I live in the world of if its not broken why replace it. For years and years I survived with a digital pager, back then a Cell-Phone was $3,500.00 + plus about $.41/minute. Pay phone were on every cornor, where did they go?

I had a I-phone 4 recently, it stopped working, someone gave me an old I-phone 5-S, it makes a call, I can get my e-mail, I can get a text, it works.

Honestly I see zero reason to drop a $1,000.00 plus on a cell phone from Apple. That when the next generation is out become worth next to nothing.

I like Cars, Cigars, and good Bourbon, that were I spend my mad money.
I don't remember how much my first cell phone costed but it was around $100. But they did have the 40 or so cents a minute for every minute you used incoming or outgoing. That was probably in the early 90s. I use the calendar a lot on my phones, my wife and I sync them so we can keep up with everything. I also use documents and notes extensively on my phone as well. The prices are crazy though I agree.
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