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Old 08-20-2018, 09:39 AM   #413
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Default Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping

Got a chance to do a hive inspection on Saturday.

Not a lot is happening in the honey supers. That's to be expected as the spring flowers are done blooming in this area. The one area where I see a lot of bees is in our Rose of Sharon bush which started blooming in mid July and continues to flower now - though I think that's starting to ebb.

Here's a shot of one of the girls getting her pollen on in the flower:

Didn't take any photos during the hive inspection because the girls seemed a little agitated. In pulling some of the frames, I did see a decent amount of brood in various stages from egg to larva to capped brood, so I know the queen is doing her thing.

Also managed to see the queen scurrying around one of the frames. Always reassuring to me when I can find her among tens of thousands of other bees in the hive.

Looking forward to the fall honey flow in a few weeks.
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