Re: Humidor humidity
In a cabinet humidor, your best bet is an active system. I don't think beads are needed with an active system, but I know some folks use them together. For temp, best bet is to keep the cigars in an air conditioned room, but unless your house is really hot, it's probably not a big problem. Plenty of cigars have been stored for a decade or more in hot climates like Cuba without ill effects.
If you're aging cigars for VERY long times, you can buy temperature controlled humidors or wine coolers. If your temp concern is beetles, then freezing your cigars before they go into your humidor is imho an easier and more effective solution. Search the forum here and there are plenty of posts about the freezing process.
As for quick RH swings when you open your humidor, don't worry about them. They wont hurt your smokes.
 "I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." Winston Churchill