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Old 06-30-2018, 05:58 PM   #5
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: Palette range - top 5 cigars

The CC section of the forum will open up to you in time and there's a lot of info there. In the meantime, I copied/pasted the below from a sticky there:

Initial Noob "To Try" List:

Bolivar Petit Corona- Everyone talks about this cigar. Its a definite must try for all newbs to the Habanos world. Gives you a good introduction to the Cuban "Twang" everyone goes on about
Bolivar Belicosos Finos- Great flavor and another Boli that remains consistent in that "Boli" profile. These 2 give a great intro into the unique flavor of Bolivar.
Cohiba Esplendidos- Like I said, this list isn't the best of the line, just the most talked about. These are very good cigars with excellent flavors but in my mind there are so many better smokes in the Cohiba line to try. However, you must smoke some of these to have a basis of comparison for the other Cohiba's, that and everybody talks about the creamyness of these.
Cohiba Robusto- A very tasty cigar that has been somewhat inconsistent over the last few years. Must try for to get an idea of the "grassy" flavor that's always being discussed. Excellent with age.
Cuaba Salomones- The Cuaba line really isn't discussed all that much, however fans of this line prefer this vitola for the smooth subtle flavors it brings and its ability to keep your attention through this hefty smoke. The past few years crop has seen a dramatic increase in overall quality IMO.
El Rey Del Mundo Choix Supreme- Many people enjoy this cigar for its earthy leathery flavor so its a good one to try. I think the line has better offerings but this is a good place to start in the ERDM line.
El Rey Del Mundo Tainos- Where the ERDM line starts to shine. These are impressive cigars that are pretty decent when young and good with age. Great earthy flavors with that nice barnyard aroma. A pleasure to smoke
Fonseca Cadetes- A nice short Cuban smoke. These are small and unassuming but good for if you're on a quick break. Nothing to really cut your teeth on here but still nice
H.Upmann Connoisseur No 1- One of the best values in the H.Upmann line. Great woody coffee flavors and generally a pleasant forray into the Upmann world. Nice price, nice flavor profile, what more do you need?
H.Upmann Mag 46- A lot of people rave over these. A lot of people dislike these. There are fans on both sides but you can't deny this is a much talked about cigar. When ON these are fantastic but when young suffer from harsh/ammonia type flavors.
Hoyo De Monterrey Epicure No 2- One of my personal faves when I was starting out in the Habanos world. Sweet and creamy with "dessert-like" flavors that strengthen as you smoke. Enjoyable and a good value. Nice intro in the HDM line
Hoyo De Monterrey Doble Corona- The prestigious cigar that Politicians like to smoke These cigars and elegant and mild and excellent for beginners with the time to smoke 'em. One of my fave indulgences but they suffer from Draw probs occassionally. Still good though
Juan Lopez Seleccion No 2- A very tasty light cigar. Excellent for beginners and liked by veterans who crave a good morning cigar to go with their coffee. Nice subtle flavors that are enjoyable and leave your palatte feeling clean.
La Gloria Cubana Medaille D'Or No 2- A nice refined cigar that is similar in nature to the Upmann line. Utilizes that Classic Cuban flavor and essential tobacco flavor to get its point across.
Montecristo No 2- Probably the most inconsistent cigar because of the high volume of production. These cigars can range from blah to Legendary depending on crop,year, and blend. You have to try them because this is usually considered "THE" benchmark Cuban Cigar. If you get a blah one you'll shake your head and wonder what all the hype is about. If you get a good one you'll understand what all the fuss is about.
Montecristo No 4- A good intro into the world of Cuban Monte's. Nice short smoke packed with flavor and one noted enough to not confuse your noobish palatte. A good to try stick.
Partagas Shorts- An excellent intro to the Partagas line. Small and full of POW these things deliver shots of flavor and leave you wanting more, nuff said.
Partagas Serie D No 4- This cigar is another one that's talked about in depth. Same as the Monte 2 it suffers from inconsistencies because of volume of production. However, just like the Monte 2, when ON, they're spectacular, when off they're blah. Same rules apply
Partagas 898 Varnished- These get talked up a lot because of they really are that good. They're like candy and once you start smoking 'em its hard to stop. The rich strong and sometimes spicey flavor gives you a good idea of what the Party line is all about.
Por Larranaga Petit Corona's- You won't find many of these around nowadays but they're good, nice and creamy with a sweetness that will send you searching for more cabs. Try 'em, if you can find 'em.
Punch Punch- What a good medium bodied cigar should aspire to be like. Smooth and creamy with the last 1/4 delivering a knockout punch. Excellent cigars to cut your teeth on.
Ramon Allones Specially Selected- One dimensional when young but great when aged. Nice smooth tobacco flavor with a nice woody aftertaste. Long finish and ages great in cabs.
Romeo y Julieta Cazadores- Not a huge fan of the RyJ line but I smoke these. Nice and strong with a peppery flavor profile. Old school full flavored strenght stick.
Romeo y Julieta Churchills- The best the RyJ line has to offer. Exquisite flavor that comes straight from the island. Hefty and calming and produces tons of aromatic smoke.
San Cristoba De La Habana El Principe- A nice short smoke with tons of coffee flavor and a dark espresso like wrapper. Deep for a short smoke with not too much complexity.
Saint Luis Rey PC's- The second best of the line. Nice cinnamon flavors with a raisin-y after taste. Great flavors that border on a medium strength. One of my faves around lunch
Saint Luis Rey Serie A- Talked about a lot but not really representative of the SLR line. Mild to medium at best with a wood flavor and very faint Cuban "Twang". Good to experience but not a must IMO.
Sancho Panza Non Plus-Decent cigar and it represents how unassuming the SP line is but there are better vitola's in the line
Trinidad Reyes- Little drops of heaven. Flavor bombs at best, sweet creamy Habano goodness with occassional fruity flavors that delight your mouth. These are a staple in any humi.
Trinidad Fundadore- Talked about and with good reason. The best the Trini line has to offer. Refined, elegant, and rewarding cigar that requires patience to smoke it properly. when aged properly they are near to being a legend. A must try for all Habano virgins. See why IceHog likes 'em so much.
Vegas Robaina Famosos- A good intro to the VR line that is so underappreciated IMO. Spicey and leathery that progresses into a coffee like flavor. Nice strength and it'll make you respect Alejandro Robaina after this.
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