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Old 02-04-2009, 07:47 PM   #305
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by floydpink View Post
I shot Remington at the range today. Can't remember the name of the round, but they were jacketed hollow points. Also they were showing me some that appeared to be like a submunition type of round. Had a weird name like "intense defense" or something like that. Goes right through a barrier as well which I don't like with 4 bedrooms of people in my house.

The hollowpoint was filled with a yellow dot, which reminded me of the Blue Glasers I had used in the 357 mag. Apparantly it's a really nasty round that leaves quite a large hole in the bad guy.

I think a few hollowpoints of any variety hitting critical mass will leave a bad guy wishing he took the day off from being a scumbag.
I believe those are called Critical Defense. In my opinion, they are a new round that does not have a track record yet. I would stick to Federal HST's or Speer Gold Dots. The FBI and most police departments carry Gold Dots.

You are right, shot placement (center mass) is the key and is more important than caliber choice. Does Florida have the Castle Doctrine like Ohio does?
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