Originally Posted by elderboy02
Yep. The revolver will eat anything. I use Remington UMC ammo at the range. I use Speer Gold Dots for self-defense.
I shot Remington at the range today. Can't remember the name of the round, but they were jacketed hollow points. Also they were showing me some that appeared to be like a submunition type of round. Had a weird name like "intense defense" or something like that. Goes right through a barrier as well which I don't like with 4 bedrooms of people in my house.
The hollowpoint was filled with a yellow dot, which reminded me of the Blue Glasers I had used in the 357 mag. Apparantly it's a really nasty round that leaves quite a large hole in the bad guy.
I think a few hollowpoints of any variety hitting critical mass will leave a bad guy wishing he took the day off from being a scumbag.