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Old 06-01-2018, 01:05 PM   #2
Da Klugs
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Default Re: RH drops from 70-71 to 63-66 when opening Coolidor.

Originally Posted by DEZn00ts View Post
Is it NORMAL for it to take a day to reach back up to 70%? I noticed if I open it once, it drops to 66-67 sometimes and if I open it again when it was at that RH it will drop to 63-65 RH. Is that normal? Is it normal to take a half a day/day to reach back up to 70? Usually when I go to sleep and wake up it is back at the right temp unless I was effing with the beads. Thoughts? Is opening the coolidor too much harmful?
Interesting. I wonder if my refrigerator takes that long to come back up to temp after I open it. Wait ... it has "active" refrigeration so when the temp drops the compressor kicks on and the whole refrigeration thing does it's .. thing fans moving air and all.

Beads are "passive" in that there are no mechanical parts just little pieces of silica or clay that like to be at a particular RH. Depending on how full your coolidor is will have a big impact on how long It takes to come back to your bead set point. Beads best and highest purpose IMHO is maintenance of RH vs humidification per se.

A totally full coolidor whos contents are at your desired RH will recover much faster than one with a couple boxes in it. Just a guess but yours is not very full?

Answer to your question - no its not harmful. If you are worried about it but cant control yourself either buy more cigars to fill it up and or get more beads to shorten the recovery cycle.

Alternatively - you can supplement your coolidor humidification with an active device like a cigar oasis. (I always used both)
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