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Old 05-22-2018, 11:43 AM   #6
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Default Re: My Cigar Box Coolidor.

Originally Posted by DEZn00ts View Post
Woke up and the rh is 78... I think I put too much water on the beads.
Yeah, it can take a bit to get things dialed in and the percentage RH to your desired level. I generally like my Nicaraguans at 71.23% +/-1%. I find generally the draw isn’t impacted and the flavor improves however you will get wonky burns, e.g. keep the lighter handy for corrections. If burn consistency is a priority to you, and to many it’s a big deal as Cigar burn maintenance is annoying, then 68.12% +/- 0.75% is great.

What did we ever do before digital hygrometers. We had to look at a gauge that was +/- 5% accuracy and do salt calibrations is what we did! You have not fully embraced Cigar humidity if you have not salt calibrated your hygrometer IMHO.

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