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Old 04-13-2018, 10:48 PM   #1
Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla
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Default Famous Nic 3000 - still got it...kinda.

I bought a metric sh1t ton of these (4 bundles IIRC) about 10 years ago, and to my horror I discovered that I am down to just a handful left. So I grabbed a bundle of torps off the Famous auction site last week. I was a bit hesitant because blends and quality change over the years. But ehhh...for 40 bucks, why not?

I just smoked an old one last week and it was fantastic. This one is...good! Not fantastic, but solid. A bit less bite/spice than the older blend, but not bad at all.

Honestly, I probably won't get another bundle.
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
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