Originally Posted by floydpink
Well, after a month with the Kel Tec P11 9mm, and 6 misfeeds in under 150 rounds, I decided it wasn't the type of weapon I wanted to trust my life with.
They say you need to break them in and do some light sanding, etc to make them perfect, but I'm not a gunsmith nor a patient person. This may be a gun for some, but not for me.
I traded it in today and paid a little extra and left with a J frame Smith and Wesson 38 special airweight.
I was close to a Glock 19, but found this to be way more concealable and way lighter. The Glock just didn't seem to fit right in my hand and the S&W did. The S&W can be in my cargo shorts and feel no more cumbersome than a cel phone.
I freakin love this gun and put 50 rounds through it today with not a problem.
That is exactly what I did. I had the P11, but I didn't care too much for it. I sold the P11 to my brother and bought a J-frame. I carry the J-frame everyday. It is so light, you forget it is there