Thread: Draw tool
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Old 03-04-2018, 06:52 PM   #33
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Default Re: Draw tool

Thanks, OTA.

I was just looking at some early reviews to see photos of the older one and the differences you had mentioned. The spiral design was one of them. Having some training and experience at fabricating custom parts, I can see how the problems he describes during machining could be accurate for cutting a steep thread on a tiny diameter.

The hex head doesn't bother me, I hardly feel it with all the calluses on my hands/fingers anyway.

I'm not crazy about the fitment of the rod to the cap though. It's only a few degrees off, but over the length of the shaft, it amounts to enough to blow out the side of a cigar when clearing near the outer edge, especially with narrow gauge cigars.

And one was just bent, like someone tried to bend it straight between their thumbs.

I'll probably go with my original plan to true these up in the shop and give them a shot...

Now I need to go check the glue and see if they still have four stainless bearings in there for mixing or if that was dropped to three. lol.
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