Thread: Ozzy in concert
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Old 02-13-2018, 06:37 AM   #16
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: Ozzy in concert

Originally Posted by kelmac07 View Post
Saw him year ago when Alice in Chains opened for him (w/Layne Staley)...was an amazing show.
I caught that tour, too, at the Oklahoma City Fairgrounds. Motorhead was supposed to be the first opener but were a no-show for some reason. It was the show where Layne Staley broke his foot when he wrecked on an ATV. Our seats were so high up we actually saw him wreck and the ambulance come out and get him, although we didn't know who it was at that time. AIC's set was delayed while they set his foot; they brought out a chair for him to sit on while he sang.

And yep, Ozzy was great that night. Damn, that was over a quarter century ago.
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