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Old 01-17-2018, 08:04 AM   #19
Ephesians 2:8
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Default Re: Humidor recommendation for someone who can't check on it regularly

Another thumbs up for a coolerdor! And beads. Also, people get very anal about temp and humidity, but it's really not rocket science. In the orient, folks like to keep their smokes at 50%. So, if you stay between 50-75 you should be ok. If you stay close to 65-75 degrees you should be good as well. It's like taking care of plants- there is the ideal way, but coming close to the ideal works just as well! I am away from my house for six months at a time, and the coolerdors keep the humidity close to 65% the entire time. The same can't be said for the humidors, they drop to 40-50% over time.
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