Heheh. Customer Service Cube Monkey.

Best way I found to get past dealing with XM is to get Spotify.
I have 4 or 5 of us on a plan that I pay like 16 bucks a month for.
XM cannot compare to how awesome Spotify is. It truly is wonderful.
I have an Aetna story.
One of my pensions, and it's just an afterthought thing that amounts to a box of smokes a month, they insist everything is faxed.
Because I've climbed all the way up the bucktooth corporate structure a few times, insisting on another option that's more reasonable than the equivalent of smoke signals, they actually capitulated.
I got a phone call from the VP of something and he explained I can now email documents to expedite affairs. He was super thrilled about it.
So I call their girl to get an email address.
She explains that I can email the document, she can send this month's check to my new address, but I need to mail the actual document.
If it doesn't arrive before my next check is cut, they'll just hold them.
My head exploded.
I mailed the document 6 months later cause the kid wanted money.
The reason I go through this?
They have yet to embrace direct deposit.