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Old 11-14-2017, 09:33 AM   #1
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Default Any Sirius/XM Gurus?

I have a trial for sirius/xm that is set to expire on 12/14/17. I received an offer in the mail for a subscription at certain prices. I am not interested in paying what the offer is offerering. In the offer it states I can get one month for $19.99, 5 months for $32 and change, or one year for $120. I called and told them I am not interested in the offer and will let it cancel unless they can give me a better deal. I explained to them that most companies offer bigger discounts for longer subscruptions but it appears they don’t. If you look at the 5 month subscription and extrapolate that out to one year it comes to $75 a year. They say well the deals you were offered is the best we can do, so I say fine, then it can cancel or I will be wiiling to pay you $75 for a one year subscription. She says hold on let me check, and puts me on hold. Reminds me of the famous car salesman and the old “Let me go talk to my manager” deal. Comes back and tells me she can give me that deal, and she needs a credit card number. So i say to her, Is this going to be a one time charge and delete my card info, so it doesn’t auto renew at the regular price after the year? She says that it will be billed monthly at $6 and some change. I tell her then we can cancel if I can’t pay the $75 for the year on a one time charge. She says she is so sorry and that’s the best they can do. I am in disbelief that they won’t take my $75 for the year and insist on billing it monthly even though I am willing to cancel if they don’t. But they let walk. I realize as soon as the trial runs out I will receive a couple offer a week to come back. What a bunch of idiots. Anyone have any insight on why they would do this?
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