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Old 10-30-2017, 09:59 AM   #467
Brian D.
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Default Re: Second Firearm Thread...

I tried out the Freedom Ordnance twice. It was hitting low at 15-20 yards, so I had to shorten the front sight post. Can't say I really like whittling on a brand new gun, or in this case the brand new MagPul back up sights, but it's mine so what the heck. That did the trick, it's dead on now. My 55 year old eyes are asking me to put a red dot scope on the top rail as well.

It functions just fine with all magazines tried, even when some jacketed hollow point ammo was mixed in. Based on my experience, and reviews read on line, I think the company has a winner here. Now, to talk Freedom Ordnance into sending me a logo hat or t-shirt for free!
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