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Old 10-19-2017, 06:23 AM   #5
Brian D.
Have My Own Room
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Default Re: Bringing cheap cigars from now on

I've got enough pals who appreciate cigars that I don't feel much compelled to hand any out to strangers. We have three good sized organized herfs per week around here, the one I hit most often is at a bar on the Ohio River. So naturally, some of us are in there other nights too. Other folks will wander in, see us, and suddenly want to mooch or buy cigars. Sometimes their demeanor is polite, other times they're just obnoxious drunks, or obnoxious guys on the way to being drunk. The polite guys, we might indulge, but not the jerks. Guaranteed they will take a few puffs and leave the sticks sit, or worse.
Any gathering that includes Elderboy02 is "NKA"--
--No Ketchup Allowed.
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