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Old 06-21-2017, 03:25 PM   #227
Don't knock the Ash...
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Default Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping

Originally Posted by massphatness View Post
Did a hive inspection last night to see how the second box of frames are progressing.

  • Disappointed the bees haven't built out more comb in the second box. It's about 50% full -- which isn't yet full enough to add a honey super (and finally have a shot at collecting some honey for myself).
  • Applied a mite treatment. Basically a cotton pad soaked in a formic acid solution. Formic acid is a naturally occurring acid that vaporizes when heated and is an effective control against Varroa mites which are a particular nemesis to the bees. The acid is mostly safe for the bees, and is naturally found in honey anyway, so the application of it doesn't affect the honey's safety or flavor.

    As the hive box warms each day, the formic acid in the pad will vaporize and work its way through the hive. Will leave this on for about a week then remove.
  • Grace took a stinger to an ungloved hand while snapping the pic below.

Will be going back in next week to remove the formic acid pad and further check on the progress of the build.

Seems like Grace is the "decoy target" keeping you safe...
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