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Old 06-08-2017, 04:44 AM   #8
Don Fernando
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Default Re: Cigar Monster Prices Recently

Originally Posted by dave View Post
Agree with above.

-Cuban cigars are coming to the US legal market...IDK when, but it is going to happen and I would not be surprised if NC retailers and wholesalers are looking to increase margins out front
Not for a few more years Dave, too many legal issues and not even considering the Trump administration ready to turn the decisions Obama made on Cuba back to a full embargo again.

A few brand names are owned by Altadis, Altadis is also 50% owner of Habanos, those brands won't be an issue but General Cigars owns a few too, including Cohiba. They won't give those up without a fight. Then comes the copyright, for example Sanj's Smoke Shop owns the rights for the Cohiba logo (the yellow with the black & white squares), so that's another legal fight unless he accepts a huge offer from Habanos. Then there is the issue of Cuban tobacco only available to Habanos, that could be considered a monopoly, which is against USA regulations, so another fight/issue. Don't expect Cuban cigars legally on the US market any time soon.
check out my reviews on my blog.
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