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Old 05-16-2017, 07:12 PM   #179
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Default Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping

Clicking on the photo above should bring you to the hive inspection video from this past Saturday. A few things to note:

* My dopey dog tries to eat a bee right at the beginning of the video. Fortunately, she fails.

* The camera work is a little shaky. Grace got me a GoPro for Christmas, and this was our first time using it. Will need to have a steadier and slower hand in the future. Tried to cut out as much of the nausea-inducing scenes as possible.

* You really get a sense for how the bees don't give a sh!t about us poking around. Some of them are buzzing about, of course, but for the most part they're just focused on doing their bee thing.

* Need to figure out how to capture individuals images from the video because there's some good shots of brood cells and honey cells, but the video progresses too quickly to see them clearly.
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