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Old 03-21-2017, 11:53 AM   #4
Wharf Rat
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Default Re: Plug in Humidor that Works

Originally Posted by KSRCigar View Post
I had cigar oasis in a 6 drawer & glass top Trinidad branded humidor (think it was a all inclusive bundle with Trinidad cigars all sizes). Looked like my retailer took the cigars to sell and then sold the humidor as a side-item. Had a cigar oasis which began to smell like mildew after about 1 month. Also, it overhumidified the cigars near the unit if set high enough to humidify the far reaches of the humidor. And vice-versa with underhumidifying the far reaches if set to humidify properly near the unit. I then switched over to the gel-polymer beads with 2 wet sponges. Did not do too terribly, but needed frequent refilling and had the same over-under based on vicinity. I am working on developing a plug & play system that is foolproof. But want to see if there is a market for it. I'm certain nothing exists that doesn't use a sophisticated system of sensors and is quite pricey.
Many folks use a small muffin style fan to keep air circulating around. A lot of use use the dry style beads or Boveda packets rather than the gel. That's largely a decision based on the % RH you want. But first, you need to make sure your box is reasonably airtight.
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