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Old 03-05-2017, 11:10 AM   #26
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Default Re: Question for network gurus

Originally Posted by G G View Post
Okay, got the gist of how this works. When you flash the merlin firmware onto the router, it doesn't change the look and feel of the original firmware. It still looks and acts like the original Asus firmware, it just has more settings.

The way the policy based routing works is this: You turn it on, the default devices that have no policy set goes through the WAN and not the tunnel. In order for this to work you have to set static IPs on the devices connected to the router because that's the way you tell it which devices to run through the tunnel. I already set all my devices with static local IPs anyway so I didn't have to do it. You can set a device to either go through the tunnel or the WAN, but if you don't set a device it goes through the WAN. I will probably only run the Fire Sticks through the tunnel and leave everything else on the WAN. I am leaving shortly for the day and I will be able to see if the camera will be available.
That sounds like the right answer!!! Simple fix and pretty powerful firmware!!!
Drink, pray, smoke, and work out.
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