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Old 01-26-2017, 12:11 PM   #15
Møøse bites can be nasty
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Default Re: Back surgery input

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol View Post
I herniated a lower disk like 15 years ago and did all the treatments you can think of outside of surgery. Don't do more the 2 cortisone shots and leave surgery as an absolute last resort. It's better to live with slight pain than risk surgery.

My recommendations after a lot of professional medical and sports expertise are:

Stretching legs, hip, rear end, and lower back; daily.
Chiropractor - they will set the frequency.
Strengthening core with Pilates or Yoga - be careful with Yoga; it is not contest, don't worry what other are doing in class...

The stretching allows the back relieve the pressure on the spine and allow the spine to sit naturally along with chiropractic adjustment. If the spine straight and supple, all the energy can flow correct from nerves. I

If you are straight, limber, & strong core with still debilitating pain; then you are a candidate for surgery or next steps.
Coincidentally this popped up in my FB feed.

12 yoga poses for beginners
My neighbor came by my house this morning at 2AM, pounding on the door. Good thing I was still up playing the drums.
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