Thread: Poker Chips...
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Old 01-19-2017, 02:23 PM   #13
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: Poker Chips...

Originally Posted by T.G View Post
I don't feel we should be advertising, nor catering to, a particular brand of accessories, in this case the Stinky brand ashtray. I feel it might be misinterpreted as setting a tone of what we might expect or favor that people should use for accessories, much like featuring cigar bands would set a tone of CC or NC and a even a particular brand. I would much rather see a simple generic ashtray of some sort.
As I sip on my Coke Zero, I ponder what you're saying. You make a good point, just like this refreshing Coke Zero makes my thirst go away. It's the TOE's call, but IMO just using a generic ashtray could be just as good. Not as good as drinking a Coke Zero, but still good.

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