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Old 01-09-2017, 02:49 PM   #388
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Default Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Well the ammo deal fell through. Even though they put the order through and charged my card, I got a call when the ammo arrived in the store and the dude says that there is a problem. He says the price I paid should have been the price on 600 rounds and not 1800 rounds. The problem I have with that is the fact that I added a note to the online order when I placed it telling them that if it was a mistake on the price then cancel the order. I followed that up with a phone call to the store and told them what I bought and was pretty sure the price was wrong, and they assured me that if the price was wrong on the website I would be contacted before it was charged, welllllllll it didn't.

So the guy tells me I can either accept the 600 rounds for the $264 I paid or he can refund me my money. It was a take it or leave it offer, so I left it. I told him he could kindly refund my money and even though he gave me a good price on the gun to go with the ammo, I would not be purchasing the gun either. If he had offered to throw in 150 or 300 extra rounds to go with the 600 rounds I would have taken it and been happy, because it wasn't my mistake, but the attitude he had caused me to say nopers, I will never worry about doing any business there in the future.

The good news is I saw a post in a forum thread about a place called Whittakers Guns in Kentucky that has the M&P 15 Sport II for $499.00. So I just placed the order for the M&P and 8 Gen 3 Magpul 30 round pmags to go with it for $615 and that includes insurance on the shipment. The guy with the ammo fiasco wanted $609 for just the gun.
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