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Old 01-02-2017, 11:55 AM   #383
Brian D.
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Default Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by G G View Post
No, I get what you are saying Greg. I realize that it's not optimal to leave it in the car, but I just don't see how I can get around it at times, and to me it's just as bad as leaving it at the house unless you have some kind of Fort Knox style place to lock it up. I carry my pistol daily and never leave the house without it. I only carried my 1911 because that's the only pistol I had for a while. Now I have a .45 Shield and carry it along with the 1911 most days because I don't like leaving it at home. My home was broken into several years ago my home was broken into and two of my pistols were stolen. I like the style case you mentioned and will probably try one of those and see what happens. Thanks
If you're going to keep acquiring firearms--or just want to hang on to those you already have--invest in a safe. It's about as fun a way to spend money as buying insurance, because in fact that is precisely what you're doing. But unlike a paper policy, it doesn't expire or try not to pay a claim.

Most home burglars aren't going to try to do much with a safe, at least not in all but the ritziest neighborhoods. It takes skills and/or tools not commonly found with ordinary quick-grab thieves.
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