Originally Posted by bonjing
Break down the rifle, grab a couple 20's and shove in your duffle bag. The Larue covert rifle case is nice too.
You have your ccw, no? Why not just carry on you? Just a few things to think about, Are you planning on leaving the rifle in your room, in basically an unsecured bag, where who knows how many people have access too? Are you planning on carrying it everywhere with you and leave it in a car that can be broken into anytime?
Yes I have a CCW, but you can't carry long guns on you in Florida unless they are concealed with a permit. You can open carry when you are doing a few things that are stipulated in the statute. No I wouldn't leave it in the room unsecured. Truth be told that was just an example, my wife and I hardly ever stay in a motel anyway. If you carry it in the car, IMO there is going to be times when you just have to leave it in the car. At least in Florida. I am intending to probably have it in the back floorboard of my car for access, and then if I have to leave it in the car then i would transfer to the trunk as long as everyone and their grandma couldn't see me doing it. I'm not sure how someone could carry a long gun in a vehicle when you are out and about and not EVER leave it in the car at some point. I know it's not optimum but unavoidable at some point. I mean the only other option is leave it at home, and that's not a guarantee that it won't be stolen there either. My home was broken into several years ago and two of my pistols were stolen.
The larue is the style I have been coming back to and there are several brands of the style.