Charles Goodnight type night
I have a Council Meeting tonight, but it was the call from the Doctor's office that made my decision for me.
I had a growth removed from my back the other day that was discovered by the doc during my yearly physical, "How long has this been here?"
Me: How long has what been there?
Doc: This lesion?
Me: I do not know.
Doc: I do not like how it looks. It probably is not, but it should be removed and have a biopsy done.
Me: OK.
I showed it to Pauline, she said she'd seen it. She said, "That is the spot you said itched this past summer." OK, and didn't think any more about it.
So, last week Thursday the dermatologist removed it. Not biggie! Didn't even think about it. Pauline (my wife wanted to look at it) said, this is like 3", there are 7 stitches here." Still no biggie, just a spot that looked funny.
Today the office called: I this Todd?
Me: Yes.
Office: Please confirm your date of birth.
Me: (I did)
Office: OK. It was cancerous.
(at this point I realized, "Todd, you are getting old!")
Office continuing: But we got all of it. No further treatment is required.
I have been there with people in all sorts of situations. I have been with people who were told they had spots of skin cancer, I have been with people who had been told they have pancreatic cancer that has spread to almost all of the internal organs and there is nothing they can do.
I know this is NOTHING, but now I have a small taste of what people go through when the word CANCER is tossed their way.
It is over, there is nothing more, there are no more spots, but it just causes a guy to pause.
So, a prayer of thanksgiving was said.
And a couple fingers of Charles Goodnight will be raised in thanksgiving later.
Join me with whatever libation you enjoy to give thanks that this is nothing.
Peace of the Lord be with you.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"