^^^Thanks Todd
Good Evening Pipers. We've been experiencing some well deserved and welcomed rain here in the Santa Clarita Valley today. Started about 4:00PM as a very light rain, and is currently misting at this time. Its supposed to pick-up with intensity later. Love the rain.
Earlier this morning, the USPS delivered my new Todd Harris Rusticated Bent Poker. Loaded it with Mac Baren's Scottish Mixture, and it smokes like a charm:
This afternoon, pack the Charatan's Make Perfection 489DC with some Scotty's University Student. Not a bad Va/Bur/Cav blend. I don't smoke inside the house, and I think the aroma of this blend is lost out on the patio. I do enjoy the dense smoke that emits from the bowl just prior to taking a puff though. And, it tends to pick up more in aroma/flavor after about 1/4" has burned. I think this blend would definitely rock inside the home (or maybe your dorm room)

I'll keep a pluggin' along with it though...