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Old 12-13-2016, 02:18 PM   #369
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Default Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by MurphysLaw View Post
Thanks, hadnt really considered Taurus after the miserable PT140 i had. Failed qualifications after the sights came off while shooting. Took it inside the shop still dirty and traded it for the Glock 27. I'm really leaning towards the M&P Shield 9mm performance center model at the moment.
In my limited experience opinion you cannot go wrong with a shield. I bought the 40 a year ago, and just now sold it and bought the 45 shield. The reason I bought the 45 is the fact that for my Florida G license I have to qualify every year for every caliber I carry. With both of my pistols being 45 I only have to qualify once instead of twice and that in turn will save me at least 70 bucks a year. I love them. I carry it appendix most of the time and I have a Desantis Seperfly for pocket carry when I am wearing BDUs at a job.
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